
About LookSeek.com

LookSeek is an independent search engine developed in the USA
We Don't Track You !
We Don't collect or use personal data!

LookSeek LLC is actively seeking investors and partnerships to further develop our offerings.
Contact admin@lookseek.com

LookSeek Database
Our database has No affiliation with any other search engines.

LookSeek.com has a bot called "Seeker" that it uses to crawl the web and build a Independent and Unbiased database.
LookSeek.com has no political or social bias.
LookSeek.com does not collect or use personal data - Privacy Policy

Who is Seeker ?
Seeker v.1 is the LookSeek.com search engine bot
Seeker bot crawls the internet finding website's and adds them to the LookSeek.com Index
Seeker bot obays the robots.txt convention "robot exclusion" and also support's the meta noindex, noarchive and nofollow meta tags.
If Seeker bot is misbehaving please contact admin@lookseek.com